Electronic Options
Onscreen Help
EGMS includes a system of onscreen pop-up windows designed to answer screen-specific questions. Question mark icons are sprinkled throughout EGMS proposal screens to answer frequently asked questions, and each proposal screen has help links available in its left-hand column. In the Expertise and Other Support Databases, the QuickHelp logo in the bottom left corner of each screen provides access to help for each of those databases' screens.
E-mail assistance
E-mail questions and comments regarding the use of EGMS to help@egms.umn.edu.
Supporting Materials
EGMS UserGuide
The EGMS UserGuide describes the use of each of the EGMS databases and how to use them to prepare a proposal or Proposal Routing Form. The User Guide has not yet been updated to reflect the changes implemented with the summer of 2004 Proposal Preparation application upgrade. Click this link to access the EGMS UserGuide.
Classes and Open Labs
Structured classroom training is available through Training Services for both EGMS Division Administrators and EGMS Proposal Preparation.
Sponsored Projects Administration offers open labs where the SPA training coordinator is present to answer questions on the EGMS suite.
Phone Assistance
Call the EGMS Help Line: (612)-624-1600.
NOTE: At the present time, the use of EGMS on smart phones and tablets is not supported. For best results, use the following browsers with EGMS (Firefox 4 or higher, Internet Explorer 8 or higher, and Safari 4 or higher).